Larissa's TTL4 blah, blah, blog

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Watching Signing Time - almost have the song memorized.

I am sad that we only have 2 days left. Though I have known (figured out on my own) a lot of what we have gone over I have still been learning through doing. I have also figured out some cool things Safari can do! I wish all of my "projects" in Entourage traveled with the program. At the end of the year I figured out how to control the calendar for one class, save as html, and then post on Sitebuilder. SO much easier than having a cal on sitebuilder, one in Entourage, and one for planning! I am pretty amazed at how much I have learned on my own over the years. I was the last person in my high school class to get around to taking a typing test (an old Mac classic circa 1989ish) even though it was a grad requirement. I did use MUDD games in college as a way of chatting with my brother, also in college. I still know some DOS and I used to write programs on our old Commodore 64. I credit the Commodore 64 for all I know today. :) Of course, it helps that I am a genius. ;)

I was feeling pretty "teched out" this afternoon. Cormac and I had "Ticklefest 2006" we took a snooze. I woke him after about an hour because I was bored and wanted to play. Our cloth diapers arrived today too and they fit him pretty. low tech
It's amazing how sucked into a screen you can get. I noticed that hardly anyone came back upstairs to eat today since we couldn't use our laptops.

I'm concerned about what session to choose (forget if that's tomorrow or Saturday) because I am interested in most of them. I guess I will go to Smart Board since the board I begged and nagged Pete Tryon for has gone woefully underutilized. I'd love to learn more Garageband too but, oh well.

Huh, I thought I had a lot more to say. I even had it all planned in my head. I will have to come back to this later or tomorrow.

If I can get out of the house a few minutes earlier I will try to go to Carrs for doughnuts. Keep your fingers crossed!


At 11:43 PM, Blogger Larissa Wright-Elson said...

you can come anytime I have lots to grade and I will put you to work
My first laptop was a 486 and i thought THAT was old!


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